Poplar Springs Baptist Church
P.O. Box 124
6000 Poplar Springs Road
Ware Shoals, SC 29692
(864) 861-2196


2017 VBS
Kingdom Chronicles
Diving Into Noah's Flood
June 20th - June 24th

Every day, our kids will dive deep into the account of Noah and the Flood from the book of Genesis! THey'll learn to apply the spiritual lessons from Noah's life to their own. And, along the way, they'll uncover earthly lessons from the Flood: how all the animals fit on the Ark, how the Flood covered the whole Earth, and how we can still see the effects of this Flood today. They'll also learn that the flood legends from around the world are based on the true accounts in Genesis!

Prepare for a boatload of excitement at Ocean Commotion where we will learn to:


Set your compasses for the Oceanand prepare for an epic adventure at Ocean Commotion VBS!

VBS 2016: "Ocan Commotion:
Diving into Noah's Flood"


2017 VBS Pictures

2016 VBS Pictures

2015 VBS Pictures

2014 VBS Pictures

2013 VBS Pictures

2012 VBS Pictures

2011 VBS Pictures

Poplar Springs Baptist Church
Copyright ©2010 Poplar Springs Baptist Church
All rights reserved.