Date: November 19, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Love Offering taken at the door
Joyful Sound, North Greenville University's Baptist
Colle-giate Ministry Ensemble, will present a concert
at our church. The public is invited to attend so
please spread the word around and invite anyone you
think might be interested in attending.
Since 1978, Joyful Sound has shared God's Word
through music and worship. The purpose of this ministry
is to introduce people to Jesus Christ, help people
grow in Christ, and encour-age the brokenhearted.
Joyful Sound consists of two nine-member vocal teams,
each with their own sound technician, and a five-piece
band that rotates between teams. Each team pre-sents
approximately 80 concerts per academic year. A typical
concert includes contemporary and traditional Christian